神戸, "ぬのびき"
Recently, my wife and I went to 神戸 (Kobe) with two of our friends. We went to the ぬのびき Herb Park, and then we had the famous Kobe Beef.

It was wonderful.

It was wonderful.
やった! せんせん週、僕の附属 坂出 中学生 は 坂出市 の スピーチ大会に行き
ました。 3番だった! おめでとう、白山ちゃん :)
The week before last, a student of mine from Fuzoku Junior High School went to a speech contest and took 3rd place. Congratulations, Ms. Shirayama! :)
ました。 3番だった! おめでとう、白山ちゃん :)
The week before last, a student of mine from Fuzoku Junior High School went to a speech contest and took 3rd place. Congratulations, Ms. Shirayama! :)

A Satisfied Mind
友達持っています。 愛するの奥さんがいます。 素晴らしい国に住んでいます。
How many times have
You heard someone say
If I had his money
I could do things my way
But little they know
That it's so hard to find
One rich man in ten
With a satisfied mind
Once I was winning
In fortune and fame
Everything that I dreamed for
To get a start in life's game
Then suddenly it happened
I lost every dime
But I'm richer by far
With a satisfied mind
Money can't buy back
Your youth when you're old
Or a friend when you're lonely
Or a love that's grown cold
The wealthiest person
Is a pauper at times
Compared to the man
With a satisfied mind
When my life has ended
And my time has run out
My friends and my loved ones
I'll leave there's no doubt
But one thing's for certain
When it comes my time
I'll leave this old world
With a satisfied mind
How many times have
You heard someone say
If I had his money
I could do things my way
But little they know
That it's so hard to find
One rich man in ten
With a satisfied mind
友達持っています。 愛するの奥さんがいます。 素晴らしい国に住んでいます。
How many times have
You heard someone say
If I had his money
I could do things my way
But little they know
That it's so hard to find
One rich man in ten
With a satisfied mind
Once I was winning
In fortune and fame
Everything that I dreamed for
To get a start in life's game
Then suddenly it happened
I lost every dime
But I'm richer by far
With a satisfied mind
Money can't buy back
Your youth when you're old
Or a friend when you're lonely
Or a love that's grown cold
The wealthiest person
Is a pauper at times
Compared to the man
With a satisfied mind
When my life has ended
And my time has run out
My friends and my loved ones
I'll leave there's no doubt
But one thing's for certain
When it comes my time
I'll leave this old world
With a satisfied mind
How many times have
You heard someone say
If I had his money
I could do things my way
But little they know
That it's so hard to find
One rich man in ten
With a satisfied mind

ミツヤサイダー (Mitsuya Cider Review)
One of Japan's finest drinks in regular production is Mitsuya Cider. It's not just visually clear, it has a clean taste about it. At the core, one might compare it to 7-Up, but at the core, one might also get punched in the face by me. Mitsuya's subtle hint of lemon is appreciated, though there's a lemon variety that ups the presence of that taste, for those that want more. I love to pour a big glass of this over ice on a hot day. Nothing better. I just wish it didn't give me such a huge headache. :(

(Yeah, some pops consistently give me headaches. This is a problem with me though, not the soda, so it goes unpunished.)


(Yeah, some pops consistently give me headaches. This is a problem with me though, not the soda, so it goes unpunished.)


Mello Yello: Soda Review

Mello Yello was the Coca-Cola company's answer to Pepsico's extremely popular Mountain Dew. Coke saw the success of Mountain Dew and, as many businesses would, said, "Me too." I guess dropping the 'W' from both words was the company's attempt at being edgey? It hasn't worked. Pepsi's strong foothold in the "citrus soda" market has over the years proven to be a mighty big hill to climb for Coke, as Mello Yello constantly stands in the shadows of Dew. I admit I'm a Dew man myself when it comes down to it, though I should say I do love a good Mello Yello once in a while.

It's a little more lemony than Mtn Dew, especially the Japanese version. Japanese Mello Yello has a stronger lemon flavor than the American counterpart, which comes as no surprise, given the outrageous popularity of lemon as a flavor of everything here.
It's not something I crave too often, but when it's around, I like a good 'Yello. 3 Stars!


Mountain Dew Grape Soda Review
Now that the original Mountain Dew has been reviewed, there's a Japan-only grape spinoff that came out this summer and is now slowly fading from the market. I expect it to be impossible to find by the end of November.

This pop is OK in small bursts. Its grape flavor is surprisingly stronger than I expected it to be, especially since it's a Japanese exclusive; flavors tend to be a little more subtle here, especially in beverages, perhaps CC Lemon being the biggest exception. But it's not so much a grape fruit flavor or traditional grape soda flavor so much as it's that patented grape candy flavor -- you know, the kind you taste in almost all grape gummies, chewing gum, Warheads, or Jolly Ranchers.
That's fine, because hey, if I want a "traditional" grape soda, I already have 10 different options for that, and it'd be hard to beat Welch's at their own game. The problem I have is that it's labeled "Mountain Dew Grape," and there's not much Dew to it. If I want a pure Cherry soda, for example, I have Chery Crush or Cherikee Red (that IS spelled correctly, but if I want Cherry Mountain Dew, then I pick up a Code Red Mountain Dew. If I want an orange pop, I pick up an orange Fanta, something generic, orange Crush, or Sunkist, but if I want Orange Mountain Dew, I go for Livewire. See where this is going?
Grape Mountain Dew might have that candyish grape taste about it, but it doesn't really seem like a flavor of Mountain Dew to me. This is not to say something HAS to be Mountain Dew in order to be good -- not so at all -- the name is just a little misleading. The drink itself, overall, is enjoyable on occasions, but I often don't find myself wanting to finish the can, let alone go for multiples.
I know it's going out of production soon, so I have the instinct to stock up while I can, but every time I go to a machine I just can't bring myself to spend the money. Final verdict: this one is just OK.


This pop is OK in small bursts. Its grape flavor is surprisingly stronger than I expected it to be, especially since it's a Japanese exclusive; flavors tend to be a little more subtle here, especially in beverages, perhaps CC Lemon being the biggest exception. But it's not so much a grape fruit flavor or traditional grape soda flavor so much as it's that patented grape candy flavor -- you know, the kind you taste in almost all grape gummies, chewing gum, Warheads, or Jolly Ranchers.
That's fine, because hey, if I want a "traditional" grape soda, I already have 10 different options for that, and it'd be hard to beat Welch's at their own game. The problem I have is that it's labeled "Mountain Dew Grape," and there's not much Dew to it. If I want a pure Cherry soda, for example, I have Chery Crush or Cherikee Red (that IS spelled correctly, but if I want Cherry Mountain Dew, then I pick up a Code Red Mountain Dew. If I want an orange pop, I pick up an orange Fanta, something generic, orange Crush, or Sunkist, but if I want Orange Mountain Dew, I go for Livewire. See where this is going?
Grape Mountain Dew might have that candyish grape taste about it, but it doesn't really seem like a flavor of Mountain Dew to me. This is not to say something HAS to be Mountain Dew in order to be good -- not so at all -- the name is just a little misleading. The drink itself, overall, is enjoyable on occasions, but I often don't find myself wanting to finish the can, let alone go for multiples.
I know it's going out of production soon, so I have the instinct to stock up while I can, but every time I go to a machine I just can't bring myself to spend the money. Final verdict: this one is just OK.


Soda Review: Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew's original marketing was actually to like, old people and farmers -- quite the contrast with today, when it's marketed generally at teenagers and college kids. Compare the original advertising scheme:
...to the more recent theme of the last, let's say 25 years, perfectly captured in this clip, which I think made its debut when I was in high school:
But commercials don't change the taste of the drink itself, and cheesy ad campaigns be damned, I love Mountain Dew. You can detect just a little bit of lemon, a hint of lime, and...some kind of blend that only, for my money, just tastes like Mtn Dew and that's that.
I love Japan -- love it to death. But no human can deny the power of the subconscious, and we all need to have some kind of comfort snack or drink. Mountain Dew is a sort of connection to home for me. I like to end a day a nice cold Dew from the fridge. The Japanese version with its cane sugar and slight decrease in the amounts of caffeine and carbonation render it a bit inferior to the American version in my eyes, but that's of course because I grew up with the latter.
Of all the sodas I consume, one that keeps on satisfying me time and again is Mountain Dew. I can't rightly give it anything other than a 5-star rating.

...to the more recent theme of the last, let's say 25 years, perfectly captured in this clip, which I think made its debut when I was in high school:
But commercials don't change the taste of the drink itself, and cheesy ad campaigns be damned, I love Mountain Dew. You can detect just a little bit of lemon, a hint of lime, and...some kind of blend that only, for my money, just tastes like Mtn Dew and that's that.
I love Japan -- love it to death. But no human can deny the power of the subconscious, and we all need to have some kind of comfort snack or drink. Mountain Dew is a sort of connection to home for me. I like to end a day a nice cold Dew from the fridge. The Japanese version with its cane sugar and slight decrease in the amounts of caffeine and carbonation render it a bit inferior to the American version in my eyes, but that's of course because I grew up with the latter.
Of all the sodas I consume, one that keeps on satisfying me time and again is Mountain Dew. I can't rightly give it anything other than a 5-star rating.


Soda Review: Coca-Cola
Anyone who knows me knows I love a good soda, or as we call it where I grew up, "pop."
I'm going to start doing some pop reviews on this blog, because I notice a lot of people are really curious about drinks I'm walking around with, even though they're usually not imports! Here in Japan, you have a wonderful variety of sodas on the market, especially the seasonal ones that rotate in and out of stores. Some of those are definitely cut way too short (come back, Pepsi Azuki!).
Fitting for the first one, I might as well start with the king of all carbonated drinks, Coca-Cola. Years and years before the birth of Pepsi, Coca-Cola making a name for itself with its unique taste.
In the 1980's, fearing the uprising of Pepsi's "new generation," company hotshots changed the flavor a little bit, which resulted in huge backlash. Tail between its legs, the company backpedaled and went back to the old flavor, rebranding the drink "Coca-Cola Classic." On paper it looks like a terrible PR move, but I have a feeling Coke knew the new formula would bomb all along, and used the "failure" as a way to rekindle America's love of Coke.

History lesson out of the way, Coke is the single most popular soft drink in the world today, and for good reason. Did you know that aside from "OK," the words "Coca-Cola" are the most recognizable across any language? I saw that on the Food Network. TV is great.
Coke is, to me, the definition of good cola. There are very few times when a Coke does NOT sound good to me. There are several sodas I personally like a little more, but the Coke legacy cannot be denied, and its satisfying taste earns it a high score. Always Coca-Cola.

I'm going to start doing some pop reviews on this blog, because I notice a lot of people are really curious about drinks I'm walking around with, even though they're usually not imports! Here in Japan, you have a wonderful variety of sodas on the market, especially the seasonal ones that rotate in and out of stores. Some of those are definitely cut way too short (come back, Pepsi Azuki!).
Fitting for the first one, I might as well start with the king of all carbonated drinks, Coca-Cola. Years and years before the birth of Pepsi, Coca-Cola making a name for itself with its unique taste.
In the 1980's, fearing the uprising of Pepsi's "new generation," company hotshots changed the flavor a little bit, which resulted in huge backlash. Tail between its legs, the company backpedaled and went back to the old flavor, rebranding the drink "Coca-Cola Classic." On paper it looks like a terrible PR move, but I have a feeling Coke knew the new formula would bomb all along, and used the "failure" as a way to rekindle America's love of Coke.

History lesson out of the way, Coke is the single most popular soft drink in the world today, and for good reason. Did you know that aside from "OK," the words "Coca-Cola" are the most recognizable across any language? I saw that on the Food Network. TV is great.
Coke is, to me, the definition of good cola. There are very few times when a Coke does NOT sound good to me. There are several sodas I personally like a little more, but the Coke legacy cannot be denied, and its satisfying taste earns it a high score. Always Coca-Cola.

ボランティア (岩手県)
ボランティアに、岩手県に行って来ました。 長い間、バスにいました。 一日、ボランティア物をしました。

海嘯はすごく強いですね。 がんばろう、日本。
Tsunamis are very strong, aren't they? Hang tough, Japan.


海嘯はすごく強いですね。 がんばろう、日本。
Tsunamis are very strong, aren't they? Hang tough, Japan.

Don't Go (唄)
I'm walking this road
Because you stole my car
I'm singing this song
'Cause you have all my CDs
You want me to believe
In your love
And, yeah, I will
When you give back my stuff
Give back my stuff
The gerbils are dead
Your books have found a home
Under the tree
Where I have buried your clothes
You want me to believe
In your love
And, yeah, I will
When you dig up your stuff
Dig up your stuff
How am I supposed to learn
What love is in this lifetime
How am I supposed to learn
What love is, what love is
If you go, if you go, if you go, if you go
Don't go (x16)
I'm walking this road
Because you stole my heart
I'm singing this song
'Cause you have all my CDs
You want me to believe
In your love
And, yeah, I do
'Cause I can't love you enough
Can't love you enough
Give back my stuff
You have my love
Don't go

A year ago was pretty much the beginning of a new life for us. Life has been completely different, and so much better, since that fateful day.
Life is wonderful.

A year ago was pretty much the beginning of a new life for us. Life has been completely different, and so much better, since that fateful day.
Life is wonderful.

If you could be where I’m at,
you’d wanna be you too.
If you felt the way I feel,
I bet you’d be in as good a mood as I am,
but you don’t ’cause you just feel like you.
Worst Tenpura I've Ever Had
I just had the worst piece of tenpura I've ever had. It was badly burned and lacked flavor of any kind, except perhaps the flavor of burning.
In America, we'd tell the chef or waitor, perhaps get a refund, think little of the whole affair, and be on our way. However, the Japanese tend to be very touchy about negative criticism, so...I wonder what will become of the fact that I left a negative comment in the restaurant's comment box. I've seen a lot of companies not really do anything to address negative comments, but simply melt down because of them. I hope it doesn't come to that, but at the same time, dang, that was some awful, horrible tenpura, uncharacteristic of this particular joint. I had to say something, because if it happens twice, that's on me, and everyone loses twice.
In America, we'd tell the chef or waitor, perhaps get a refund, think little of the whole affair, and be on our way. However, the Japanese tend to be very touchy about negative criticism, so...I wonder what will become of the fact that I left a negative comment in the restaurant's comment box. I've seen a lot of companies not really do anything to address negative comments, but simply melt down because of them. I hope it doesn't come to that, but at the same time, dang, that was some awful, horrible tenpura, uncharacteristic of this particular joint. I had to say something, because if it happens twice, that's on me, and everyone loses twice.

USAの写真 (2)

American Mello Yello

The doctors cut my gums to operate on the root of my tooth.

My family's pool:

We set a stump on fire. It became like a big Tiki Torch!

Morning camp fire:



American Mello Yello

The doctors cut my gums to operate on the root of my tooth.

My family's pool:

We set a stump on fire. It became like a big Tiki Torch!

Morning camp fire:


台風! Typhoon! タイフーン!
Watch out, there's a typhoon going on!
Tonight, the wind may get to 115km per hour.
今晩、風は 115km/hr になれます! こわい!
Only The Scorpions can save us:
Tonight, the wind may get to 115km per hour.
今晩、風は 115km/hr になれます! こわい!
Only The Scorpions can save us:

「戦争は地獄です」。 明日、HBO の ザ・パシフィックは、日本のビデオの店に来ます。
"War is hell." Tomorrow, HBO's The Pacific will arrive in Japanese video stores (GEO, Yamada Denki, etc.).

僕は、これを全部見た。とても面白かったです。でも、悲しいです。 「戦争は地獄です」 から。
I have seen all of it. It's very interesting, but also sad because, "war is hell."
I cried.
Those boys went through hell -- both Japan and America.
みんなには、 太平洋戦争は地獄でした. 日本にもアメリカにも。
人種差別無しで、見て下さい。戦争で、みんなは悪いです。 -_-
So go watch it, and don't be a racist about it. Every side is guilty of some serious crap in war.

"War is hell." Tomorrow, HBO's The Pacific will arrive in Japanese video stores (GEO, Yamada Denki, etc.).

僕は、これを全部見た。とても面白かったです。でも、悲しいです。 「戦争は地獄です」 から。
I have seen all of it. It's very interesting, but also sad because, "war is hell."
I cried.
Those boys went through hell -- both Japan and America.
みんなには、 太平洋戦争は地獄でした. 日本にもアメリカにも。
人種差別無しで、見て下さい。戦争で、みんなは悪いです。 -_-
So go watch it, and don't be a racist about it. Every side is guilty of some serious crap in war.

TVインタビュー: オンライン!!!!
Did you see it?
It's OK! We have a video! Here, take a look:
大丈夫だ! ビデオ持っています! はい、どうぞう見ましょう:
It was actually longer than this, but they cut it a lot.
実は, インタビューは, それより長いです。でも、テレビで、短いです。

It's OK! We have a video! Here, take a look:
大丈夫だ! ビデオ持っています! はい、どうぞう見ましょう:
It was actually longer than this, but they cut it a lot.
実は, インタビューは, それより長いです。でも、テレビで、短いです。

TV インタビュー!!!!!!
Today at 5:00pm, I will be on TV! It will be on "RSK."
私は 5pm, テレビ インタビューします!
ステーション: RSK

They interview me about my udon shop, Tamoya!
Please watch, if you can!
私は 5pm, テレビ インタビューします!
ステーション: RSK
They interview me about my udon shop, Tamoya!

Please watch, if you can!