
Posted by あしたさぬき.JP at


Pop review: Lime Crush

One thing they've got plenty of in Canada that we don't see often in the States (or Japan) is Crush. There are all kinds of flavors, erm, "flavours" I guess we'll say, though the only one I'd ever heard of stateside is orange. You come North, however, and there's all kinds of flavors. Spending Christmas in Canada, I was excited to come across Lime Crush at a convenience store.

You see all kinds of lemon-lime sodas like Sprite, 7-Up, and Sierra Mist, but rarely do you see a label having the guts to drop the lemon. I think 7-Up tried this with Dn-L a few years back but I can't remember how that tasted.

Lime Crush turned out fantastic. I'm a huge lime fan, I should say. Just the night before writing this, I was stacking a Coca-cola glass full of like 9 lime slices to make a great-tasting beverage that seems to appeal to only me. I remember Coke with Lime having a life all too short and I suppose this is how I bring it back. Crush's version of a lime soda comes with a strong taste that's not as sour as actually biting into a lime, but accurate enough for a soft drink. I love it.

Ditching the lemon was a bold move that works well for Crush, and I wish I could find this stuff at my home in Japan, because I'd buy it all the time.



Posted by heathsensei at 15:05Comments(0)Soda Review ソーダレビュー


最高のクリスマス音楽: 1番

My favorite Christmas Song of all time of the forever of history in the world is:
Christmas Canon by The Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
The one, the only, my favorite. What a song.

Merry Christmas, everyone.
To recap, my list looked like this:
12. Carol of the Bells (any)
11. The Little Drummer Boy (Bright Eyes or Bob Seger version)
10. O Holy Night (almost any)
9. Silent Night (Enya version)
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over) (John Lennon)
7. The Last Christmas (Emery)
6. The First Noel (Bright Eyes version)
5. Angels We Have Heard on High (Vienna Boys Choir version)
4. Christmastime (Smashing Pumpkins)
3. Away in a Manger (Bright Eyes version)
2. Oh Come All Ye Faithful (any choir)
1. Christmas Canon (Trans Siberian Orchestra)


Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 2番

My second favorite Christmas song ever is...
O Come All Ye Faithful. Take it away, King's College Choir:

MoTab also hits a home run with this one:

While a missionary about 7 years ago, I was asked to choose a hymn with which to open a meeting. It was June, but heck, I figured, let's go with Come All Ye Faithful. It just felt right. Everyone talked about how awesome it was to sing this song even though last Christmas was 6 months behind and next Christmas 6 months in the future. There's just some power in this song, and who am I to deny it?

12. Carol of the Bells (any)
11. The Little Drummer Boy (Bright Eyes or Bob Seger version)
10. O Holy Night (almost any)
9. Silent Night (Enya version)
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over) (John Lennon)
7. The Last Christmas (Emery)
6. The First Noel (Bright Eyes version)
5. Angels We Have Heard on High (Vienna Boys Choir version)
4. Christmastime (Smashing Pumpkins)
3. Away in a Manger (Bright Eyes version)
2. Oh Come All Ye Faithful (any choir)
1. ???  

Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 3番

#3 on the countdown of my favorite Christmas songs ever is:
Away in a Manger, but this mostly applies to the Bright Eyes version. Without that version, this drops a few ticks, maybe even falls out of the top 12 on my list. I'm aware the Bright Eyes Christmas album has shown up three times on this list now, and this is the final one. What can I say? It's a fantastic CD. I can't say enough how much the broken-ness hits home.

For crying out loud IT USES A MUSICAL SAW. Automatic win.

12. Carol of the Bells (any)
11. The Little Drummer Boy (Bright Eyes or Bob Seger version)
10. O Holy Night (almost any)
9. Silent Night (Enya version)
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over) (John Lennon)
7. The Last Christmas (Emery)
6. The First Noel (Bright Eyes version)
5. Angels We Have Heard on High (Vienna Boys Choir version)
4. Christmastime (Smashing Pumpkins)
3. Away in a Manger (Bright Eyes version)
2. ???
1. ???


Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 4番

カウントダウン 4番: "Christmastime" by The Smashing Pumpkins.
(Not gonna attempt this one in Japanese.)
This is an example of a relatively newish song that I think has the potential to become a true classic akin to lasting hits such as Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmas Time" or Tom Petty's "Christmas All Over Again" and others. I guess we'll see how that's going in 15 years or so.

But even though it's younger than most songs on the list (Emery's being the only exception I can think of), this is downright beautiful song. The lyrical imagery delivers a heartwarming scene of an adult watching his/her kids enjoy Christmas morning. He's fondly reminded of his own childhood, but perfectly comfortable in his new role as the giver of most gifts rather than the recipient. It paints a picture of the type of family Christmas celebration we should all consider ourselves blessed to have. Plus Billy Corgan's voice seems perfectly suited for it.

So whether or not you like the Smashing Pumpkins, set your preconceived notions aside and enjoy this song:

The countdown has looked like this so far:
12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. O Holy Night
9. Silent Night
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over)
7. The Last Christmas
6. The First Noel
5. Angels We Have Heard on High
4. Christmastime
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???

Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 5番

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Angels We Have Heard On High」 です。 My favorite version is by the Vienna Boys Choir.

It's a very pretty song. These kids sing it way higher than I could ever attempt without producing unintentional comic gold.

12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. O Holy Night
9. Silent Night
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over)
7. The Last Christmas
6. The First Noel
5. Angels We Have Heard on High
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???


Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 6番

6番、今日のクリスマス唄は、「The First Noel」 だ。

This tells the famous story of the shepherds in the fields, who were guided in the direction of the Lord by a new star.
この唄の物語は、特別です。 3人は、新しい星で、イエス様見つけた。

I like the Bright Eyes version, for its broken sound, because of just how thrown-together the actual nativity scene was. It feels right.

12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. O Holy Night
9. Silent Night
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over)
7. The Last Christmas
6. The First Noel
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???

Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(1)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 7番

Today we move to #7!

This is "The Last Christmas" by Emery, not to be confused with a much more famous Christmas song with a similar title...which I can't stand. (Generic pop song just used Christmas as a way to sell itself, let's be honest.)

Emery makes this song soft and calm without letting it get boring. I only discovered this song about 2 or 3 Christmases ago so I still tend to forget about it until Christmas rolls around, and then I bust out my Christmas music and I'm like "Oh yeah, I LOVE this track."

He also mentions watching A Christmas Story, which, let's face it, for those between the ages of about 20 through 40, is the definitive Christmas movie. What a classic.

12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. O Holy Night
9. Silent Night
8. Happy Xmas (War is OVer)
7. The Last Christmas
6. ???
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???


Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 8番

I think this would be #1 on a lot of lists, and for good reason, it's a heck of a song. It wasn't originally intended to be a Christmas/New Year's song, but rather a protest to the Vietnam War.

But John's intentions aside, the words do contain the true Christmas Spirit, do they not? It's a message of peace, of loving your fellow man, regardless of trivial factors such as race, status, or nationality.
同じですよね。Here's the original:

And a version by a Japanese punk band called Hi Standard:

^ I LOVE the last 45 seconds or so of this one. So awesome.

12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. O Holy Night
9. Silent Night
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over)
7. ???
6. ???
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???

Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 9番

Today's song has a similar title to yesterday's, I know.
"Silent Night" is known around the world, and is instantly recognizable, even here in Japan where most people don't know the meaning of the song. Take it away, Enya!

This was one of the first Christmas songs to which I learned the words. I remember doing so at what had to be like, age 4 or 5, because my memory seems to not have other siblings in the house. That having been over 20 years ago and memories being imperfect as they are, perhaps I am mistaken, but the point is, I remember sitting down and being taught the words to that song and feeling dang good about it as I glanced around the dining room of my old Knox Dale house and saw the festive decorations, namely a cloth nativity scene. Memories, man.

12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. O Holy Night
9. Silent Night
8. ???
7. ???
6. ???
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???


Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 10番

一昨日、「最高のクリスマス音楽」カウントダウン 始まりましたね。
今日の唄は、#10 「O Holy Night」 です。
Today on my top 12 Christmas Songs Countdown is #10, O Holy Night. This one got on here for the chorus; when it's done by the right person or group, maaaaan is that some good stuff.

I have a version on my computer by someone unidentified, and that's sad because I'd love to play it for you. This one is OK, though:

12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. O Holy Night
9. ???
8. ???
7. ???
6. ???
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???


Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 11番

昨日、「最高のクリスマス音楽」 始まりましたね。
今日の唄は、「The Little Drummer Boy」です。
Since yesterday, I've been counting down my 12 favorite Christmas songs ever.

This is a wonderful little story.

Bob Seger made a good version of this song that is probably the one I hear most on the radio and I do indeed respect, but my personal favorite is the Bright Eyes version. I love how broken it sounds. The shaking in his voice during the part when he begins to address the infant Lord hits home with me and has actually made me choke up in times past.
ボッブシーガーのバージオンはとても有名です。 それはいい、でも僕には、ブラ

12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. ???
9. ???
8. ???
7. ???
6. ???
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???

Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽


最高のクリスマス音楽: 12番

今日、#12です。 明日は #11、ね。 このカウントダウンで、本物、イエスキリス
Starting today and going the next 12 days, I'll be counting down my favorite Christmas songs of all time. There's a mix of hymns and secular stuff in here; it's all fair game. One version of a song can be chosen to represent the song as a whole, as with some of these, I love some versions but don't care for others. On with the countdown!

今日の唄は、「Carol of the Bells」と言います。
Today's is "Carol of the Bells," so here's a cool version of my personal #12:

What will tomorrow's be?

12. Carol of the Bells
11. ???
10. ???
9. ???
8. ???
7. ???
6. ???
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???

Posted by heathsensei at 12:12Comments(0)音楽