最高のクリスマス音楽: 12番
今日、#12です。 明日は #11、ね。 このカウントダウンで、本物、イエスキリス
Starting today and going the next 12 days, I'll be counting down my favorite Christmas songs of all time. There's a mix of hymns and secular stuff in here; it's all fair game. One version of a song can be chosen to represent the song as a whole, as with some of these, I love some versions but don't care for others. On with the countdown!
今日の唄は、「Carol of the Bells」と言います。
Today's is "Carol of the Bells," so here's a cool version of my personal #12:

What will tomorrow's be?
12. Carol of the Bells
11. ???
10. ???
9. ???
8. ???
7. ???
6. ???
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???
今日、#12です。 明日は #11、ね。 このカウントダウンで、本物、イエスキリス
Starting today and going the next 12 days, I'll be counting down my favorite Christmas songs of all time. There's a mix of hymns and secular stuff in here; it's all fair game. One version of a song can be chosen to represent the song as a whole, as with some of these, I love some versions but don't care for others. On with the countdown!
今日の唄は、「Carol of the Bells」と言います。
Today's is "Carol of the Bells," so here's a cool version of my personal #12:

What will tomorrow's be?
12. Carol of the Bells
11. ???
10. ???
9. ???
8. ???
7. ???
6. ???
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???
Posted by heathsensei at 12:12│Comments(0)