最高のクリスマス音楽: 6番
6番、今日のクリスマス唄は、「The First Noel」 だ。
This tells the famous story of the shepherds in the fields, who were guided in the direction of the Lord by a new star.
この唄の物語は、特別です。 3人は、新しい星で、イエス様見つけた。
I like the Bright Eyes version, for its broken sound, because of just how thrown-together the actual nativity scene was. It feels right.

12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. O Holy Night
9. Silent Night
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over)
7. The Last Christmas
6. The First Noel
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???
This tells the famous story of the shepherds in the fields, who were guided in the direction of the Lord by a new star.
この唄の物語は、特別です。 3人は、新しい星で、イエス様見つけた。
I like the Bright Eyes version, for its broken sound, because of just how thrown-together the actual nativity scene was. It feels right.

12. Carol of the Bells
11. The Little Drummer Boy
10. O Holy Night
9. Silent Night
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over)
7. The Last Christmas
6. The First Noel
5. ???
4. ???
3. ???
2. ???
1. ???
Posted by heathsensei at 12:12│Comments(1)
I just stumbled upon this site and I love the soda reviews. I'm also at an intermediate Japanese level, so I can read maybe more than the average reader. I noticed you used 唄 rather than 歌; is that because this is a traditional song?
Posted by リンジー at 2012年09月09日 14:01