
Posted by あしたさぬき.JP at


この宇宙において君は 唯一無二なのだ

Next month is my junior high school students' graduation.

It's always a sad day.

最期、この うたを歌う。歌詞は特別です。The words are very special.
In the last class, we will sing this song. :)

It goes...
Follow through

Make your dreams come true

Don't give up the fight

You will be all right

この宇宙において君は 唯一無二なのだから
Cause there's no one like you, In the universe

心が着想するものを 恐れてはいけない
Don't be afraid, of What your mind conceals

You should make a stand

Stand up for what you believe

今宵は偽りなく言える, 共であれば無敵だと
And tonight we can truly say Together we're invincible

四苦八苦する間も 彼らは僕達を引き倒す
And during the struggle They will pull us down

だが頼む 事態を好転させる為にも, このチャンスを利用させてくれ
But please, please let's use this chance to turn things around

今宵は偽りなく言える, 共であれば無敵だと
And tonight we can truly say Together we're invincible

Do it on your own

Makes no difference to me

What you leave behind

What you choose to be

彼らの言うがままに 君の魂は挫けない
And whatever they say, Your soul's unbreakable

(This is "Invincible" by Muse)


Posted by heathsensei at 19:21Comments(0)音楽


Gun it, No Don't

Most the time it's the rat race.
On the road to find my face.

Coming up from landscape lows.
Coming home in dirty clothes.
Pockets full of empty change.
I will always rearrange them.

I rehearse this on the plane.
Hydroplane in mourning rain.
Barely fill your lights butane.
Little sparks but fire's wane.
Most the time I'm a burn out.
Juggling life from hand to mouth.
I enact a show for you.
Try will let it go for you.

Half of life that seems short lived.
Maybe all that I can give them.
I will simply have to change
I will always rearrange my face
Gun it...
No, don't.

Posted by heathsensei at 18:36Comments(2)音楽


クリスマス音楽 25

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Christmas Canon」 by Trans-Siberian Orchestra です。

The final Christmas song of the series!


(The lyrics are in the video.)

(From Dec 1 until today, I've posted a different Christmas song every day. Enjoy them all!)

Posted by heathsensei at 10:02Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 24

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「The First Noel」です。

The 1st version is my favorite, the one by Bright Eyes. To me, it really captures the mood and circumstance of Christmas. It's tired. It's not perfect. It sounds like it's struggling, yet it's clearly strong and comes through powerfully. It's just beautiful.

Older folks, I have a feeling, would prefer versions by a choir like Mitch Miller And The Gang, who also delivers a strong showing here:

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)


Posted by heathsensei at 00:07Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 23

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「The 12 Pains of Christmas」, which as far as I know is a radio original です。

The Christmas season is very stressful for many Americans, because frankly, we worry too much about dumb stuff. This song makes light of secular crap that the Western world gets way too wrapped up in every December.

12. Singing Christmas Carols
11. Stale TV Specials
10. Batteries not Included
9. No Parking Spaces
8. Demanding Ner-Do-Wells
7. Charities
6. Facing In-Laws
5. Five Months of Bills
4. Sending Christmas Cards
3. HangoverZ
2. Rigging Up those Lights
1. Finding a Christmas Tree

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 04:33Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 22

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「The Last Christmas」, by Emery です。

As far as Christmas music goes, this song is pretty new.

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 07:03Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 21

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「The Little Drummer Boy」 this version by Bob Seger です。

It's a story of one boy's journey to see the baby Jesus.

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 15:15Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 20

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Carol of the Bells」 です。

There are no words.

Do you like the video? ^_^
(I didn't make it, I just found it.)

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 22:27Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 19

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Oi to the World」 by No Doubt です。

This is new Christmas music, from the 1990's.

"And God came down on Christmas day"

"I know exactly what He said,"

He said "Oi" to punks
Punksヘ 「オイ」

And "Oi" to the skins
Skinsヘ 「オイ」

And "Oi" to the world and everybody wins.
世界ヘ 「オイ」

It's a song about peace. :)

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 21:33Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 18

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Joy to the World」 です。
Here are 2 versions: 英語 and 日本語.
First, Japanese! (日本語)

Now in English! (英語)
(The lyrics are in the video.)

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 07:41Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 17

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Silver Bells」 by Ronnie Milsap です。

(The lyrics are in the video.)

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)  

Posted by heathsensei at 08:10Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 16

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Feliz Navidad」 です。

This song is in Spanish! (スペイン語).

"Feliz Navidad" = "Merry Christmas."
"Prospero Año" = "Prosperous New Year."

(The lyrics are in the video.)

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 16:35Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 15

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Silent Night」 です。
Here are 3 versions: 英語, ラテン語, 日本語.

(The lyrics are in the video.)
The first version is in English (英語) by Stevie Nicks.

The next version is in Latin (ラテン語) by Enya.

And here is one in Japanese (日本語)

This song is a famous hymn. You can hear it all over the world, in many languages.

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 13:33Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 14

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「I Won't Be Home for Christmas」 by Blink-182 です。
(The lyrics are in the video.)

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 13:26Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 13

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Christmas All Over Again」 by Tom Petty です。
(The lyrics are in the video.)

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)

Posted by heathsensei at 10:17Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 12

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Holly Jolly Christmas」 by Burl Ives です。

(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)


Posted by heathsensei at 08:09Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 11

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Angels We Have Heard On High」 by the Vienna Boys Choir です。

It's a very pretty song.


Posted by heathsensei at 07:09Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 10

Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「White Christmas」 by the Carpenters です。

In winter, is most of (North) America, it's snowy, so everything is white. On Christmas, the snow is special to us.
北のアメリカとカナダで、冬で、雪が降る。だから、「White Christmas」と言う。

(From Dec. 1 until Christmas, every day, on this blog, I will post Christmas music.)  

Posted by heathsensei at 17:05Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 9

今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Jungle Bells」 by Skindred です...

It's not Jingle Bells, it's JUNGLE Bells. Note the difference ;)

明日は? 待って見って下さい。

What will happen tomorrow? Come back and see!  

Posted by heathsensei at 03:32Comments(0)音楽


クリスマス音楽 8

今日の クリスマス音楽は 「O Come All Ye Faithful」 です。

クリスマスは, イエスキリストの誕生日です ので、たくさん のクリスマス音楽は、教会物です。
Christmas is Jesus Christ's birthday, so many Christmas songs are church songs. Did you know that?
Christ = キリスト
Mass = 教会物
So...Christmas is a Christian holiday. ;)

明日は? 待って見って下さい。 ^_^

Posted by heathsensei at 08:08Comments(0)音楽