クリスマス音楽 16
Today's Christmas music is...
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Feliz Navidad」 です。
This song is in Spanish! (スペイン語).
"Feliz Navidad" = "Merry Christmas."
"Prospero Año" = "Prosperous New Year."
(The lyrics are in the video.)
(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)
今日の クリスマス音楽は 「Feliz Navidad」 です。
This song is in Spanish! (スペイン語).
"Feliz Navidad" = "Merry Christmas."
"Prospero Año" = "Prosperous New Year."
(The lyrics are in the video.)
(Since Dec 1, I've been posting a different Christmas song every day.)
Posted by heathsensei at 16:35│Comments(0)