今週レビュウ, 6/26/2011
6/25 Documentation of my mother and sister's visit to Japan: Part 1 and Part 2 (More to come)
6/23 Yakuza: Of the End is selling like hotcakes!
6/21 Haters Gonna Hate. Psychology is amazing, and I'm getting quite excited to turn in my Master's Thesis using behavior from this study.
6/20 I've been playing ニーア for PS3. Clunky game with a surprisingly solid story and soundtrack.
6/25 Documentation of my mother and sister's visit to Japan: Part 1 and Part 2 (More to come)
6/23 Yakuza: Of the End is selling like hotcakes!
6/21 Haters Gonna Hate. Psychology is amazing, and I'm getting quite excited to turn in my Master's Thesis using behavior from this study.
6/20 I've been playing ニーア for PS3. Clunky game with a surprisingly solid story and soundtrack.
Posted by heathsensei at 12:54│Comments(0)