
マリオカート Super Circuit (Advance)

After my ridiculously stupid encounter with Mario Golf, I decided to go with a different Mario-branded sort-of sports game to satisfy my urge to play something rightthehellnow on GBA. Enter Mario Kart Super Circuit.
マリオカート Super Circuit (Advance)

Whereas I spent 17 hours mashing A to scroll through text in Mario Golf, I was racing a car within 30 seconds of firing up Mario Kart Advance. That's what I came here for, to play a game.

It's basically what we've come to expect from Mario Kart games and certainly one of the best handheld racers around, even at its old age. The only problem is that it seems to really be in love with 90-degree turns, like back to back to back ones. Fine for a challenge, but dang does this game do that a lot. Aw well, still surprisingly fun to play. I give 'er a good three stars.

Score: 3/5

Yakuza 5
聖闘士星矢 PS3
龍が如く: Of the End
Been Playing: Nier (ニーア)
 FF12リメイク? (2015-08-04 18:42)
 Yakuza 5 (2014-12-13 15:50)
 ブラック★ロックシューターPSP (2011-08-29 09:04)
 聖闘士星矢 PS3 (2011-06-27 22:19)
 龍が如く: Of the End (2011-06-23 15:11)
 Been Playing: Nier (ニーア) (2011-06-20 14:48)


マリオカート Super Circuit (Advance)