Mario Golf Advance
I've been playing some Game Boy Advance games lately, and wow, is this one a stinker.

What a lie of a title. I popped this sucker in and was treated to some goofball story about godknowswhat, just mashing the A button because I intended to play some freaking golf.
That's the name of the game, right?
They gave me control of some twirp kid and I found myself walking around a castle. Screw this, I wanted to go outside and play some golf. No, I'm stopped as if in the middle of a JRPG and told "Some girls was looking for you. Better go find her." Oh hell no. No no no. No that did not just happen. I skipped through how much dialogue to get to the GOLF and now I have to putz around looking for some girl, and it turns out I needed to pay attention to the dialogue? No thanks.
I already play enough RPGs. If I want to play an RPG, I will, but I put this game in for the express purpose of taking a break from that tedium.
If I have to turn off your golf game for lack of golf and lack of game, that's a problem. Sorry, Mario Golf Advance Tour. I don't have the time for you.

What a lie of a title. I popped this sucker in and was treated to some goofball story about godknowswhat, just mashing the A button because I intended to play some freaking golf.
That's the name of the game, right?
They gave me control of some twirp kid and I found myself walking around a castle. Screw this, I wanted to go outside and play some golf. No, I'm stopped as if in the middle of a JRPG and told "Some girls was looking for you. Better go find her." Oh hell no. No no no. No that did not just happen. I skipped through how much dialogue to get to the GOLF and now I have to putz around looking for some girl, and it turns out I needed to pay attention to the dialogue? No thanks.
I already play enough RPGs. If I want to play an RPG, I will, but I put this game in for the express purpose of taking a break from that tedium.
If I have to turn off your golf game for lack of golf and lack of game, that's a problem. Sorry, Mario Golf Advance Tour. I don't have the time for you.
Posted by heathsensei at 14:46│Comments(0)